Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekend Wrapup

Wow. I just realized it has been over a week since I last posted. I didn't even realize it.

So today is Memorial Day and we had a family 3 day weekend. Just the four of us. We didn't do anything special. Just hung out. Here is a quick off the top of my head rundown.

- We went to Free Music Friday at the Mandeville Trailhead and had a blast! The boy really loved the music and running back and forth between the stage and our chairs. They ate snowballs and chips. The hubs and I drank a few beers! Great time.

- We swam at Franco's all three days. My Girl significantly improved at swimming in just this weekend alone. She suddenly started swimming underwater and we had a blast together going under and touching the bottom and making hand signs. Today was free waterslide day for member's at Franco's. My Girl went down for the first time ever and absolutely loved it! We had a blast taking turns going down with her.

- We did a lot of laundry that is still sitting on my "laundry" couch waiting to be folded or put away.

- We rode bikes on Sunday night and listened to the kids fight in the trailer the whole time.

- We went to Sam's club & Academy on Sunday morning because it was hot out when we woke up and we thought that was the best plan. Didn't buy much.

- The boy decided his new favorite word is "Ewwwww!"

- We cooked out for dinner every night and ate outside on the patio. Wasn't bad once the sun went lower than the trees.

- The kids played a lot of grocery store. I have been giving them empty food boxes or containers that are taped closed for them to use as their "groceries". They love it and it is something they seem to play well together at.

- We set up the craft center on the kitchen table for them daily. The boy is finally to the age where he can sit at the table with his sister and color, cut paper, glue stuff. It is nice to keep them occupied in such a way when we want to clean up dishes from dinner or something.

- I cleaned out my closet and probably removed at least 50 items. Lots of empty hangers and space! Just wish I had the time and money to shop and refill them!

- We watched a lot of Jon & Kate Plus Eight. We all like that show. It is great for hubby and I to watch since it makes us feels better about our situation. It could be harder!

Final thought:
It is important to remind ourselves that we need to balance work and family time. I often stress about making sure my kids have fun every day. I know my time is limited with them as one day they will be in school every day all day. Also, they will only be this little for so long. I want to make memories and enjoy them! I sometimes do this to a fault. I let too many other things fall to the wayside because of my devotion to letting my kids have fun and play. Oh well. As long as I do my job that keeps the bills paid! Otherwise, I can clean, organize and whatever later!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we did the waterslide at Franco's today, too! we left about noon, though, and missed you! would have been fun for the girls to swim together!